quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2012


De wereld heeft je al veel helden getoond zoals je kan zien in deze foto, nu vraag ik wanneer zal jij de held van je leven zijn? Dit is het uur om de held van je leven te zijn.

 Kijk wat God zegt tegen u die de held van uw leven wil zijn: Wees niet bevreesd voor hen, want Ik ben met u om u te rijden. Jeremia 1:8

terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2011

Resist the devil

why many Christians can not resist the devil?
why the devil has enslaved many Christians?

Here's the answer:
There for submit to God.Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4.7

Het is written in the Word of God for us to resist the devil and he will flee from us,
why many Christians can not resist the devil  and  they become slaves of  the devil?
Is simple if you notice this verse before you and I resist the devil first we have to submit to God 
Submitted: means the act or effect of submitting, voluntary compliance, humility.
Through the meaning of submission  we can see why many Christ  can not resist the devil, because of  lack of submission to God in other words instead of being submissive to God, are  submissive to their whims, are  submissive to those sins that strengthen the devil in their lives.
For  you to resist the devil first you have to submit to God, doing His will so that you can resist the devil
het is not  good for you to try to resist the devil if you still do his will. and if you don't  know how much you do the will of the devil more he becomes your master.

Take a decision to submit yourself  to God and you will resist the devil and he will  leave your family, your marriage, your business, and your spiritual life.